#cd /www/server/redis #cp redis.conf redis6380.conf #vi redis6380.conf #注:修改redis6380.conf这一步可以进宝塔面板修改,只修改以下几项哦 port 6380 pidfile /www/server/redis/redis_6380.pid logfile "/www/server/redis/redis_6380.log" dbfilename dump_6380.rdb
#cd /etc/init.d #cp redis redis6380 #vi redis6380 #!/bin/sh # chkconfig: 2345 56 26 # description: Redis Service ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: Redis # Required-Start: $all # Required-Stop: $all # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: starts Redis # Description: starts the BT-Web ### END INIT INFO # Simple Redis init.d script conceived to work on Linux systems # as it does use of the /proc filesystem. REDIS_PORT="6380" CONF="/www/server/redis/redis${REDIS_PORT}.conf" REDISPORT=$(cat $CONF |grep port|grep -v '#'|awk '{print $2}') REDISPASS=$(cat $CONF |grep requirepass|grep -v '#'|awk '{print $2}') REDISHOST=$(cat $CONF |grep bind|grep -v '#'|awk '{print $2}') if [ "$REDISPASS" != "" ];then REDISPASS=" -a $REDISPASS" fi if [ -f "/www/server/redis/start${REDIS_PORT}.pl" ];then STARPORT=$(cat /www/server/redis/start${REDIS_PORT}.pl) else STARPORT="${REDIS_PORT}" fi EXEC=/www/server/redis/src/redis-server CLIEXEC="/www/server/redis/src/redis-cli -h $REDISHOST -p $STARPORT$REDISPASS" PIDFILE=/var/run/redis_${REDIS_PORT}.pid redis_start(){ if [ -f $PIDFILE ] then echo "$PIDFILE exists, process is already running or crashed" else echo "Starting Redis server..." nohup sudo -u redis $EXEC $CONF >> /www/server/redis/logs${REDIS_PORT}.pl 2>&1 & echo ${REDISPORT} > /www/server/redis/start${REDIS_PORT}.pl fi } redis_stop(){ echo "Stopping ..." $CLIEXEC shutdown sleep 1 PID=`ps aux|grep "sudo -u redis"|grep -v "grep"|grep -v "/etc/init.d/redis${REDIS_PORT}"|awk '{print $2}'` if [ "${PID}" != "" ];then sleep 3 pkill -9 redis-server rm -f $PIDFILE fi echo "Redis stopped" } case "$1" in start) redis_start ;; stop) redis_stop ;; restart|reload) redis_stop sleep 0.3 redis_start ;; *) echo "Please use start or stop as first argument" ;; esac
启动redis6378 /www/server/redis/src/redis-server /www/server/redis/redis6380.conf 启动redis6380 /etc/init.d/redis6380 start 1 如果这里报权限错误,需要给redi.log权限,然后再执行上面的命令直到成功 最后设置开机启动 chkconfig redis6380 on 1 reboot 重启测试。